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Découvrez le musée aeroscopia à
votre rythme et selon vos envies !

Que vous soyez passionné d'aviation, curieux d'histoire ou simplement en quête d'une sortie enrichissante, plusieurs options s'offrent à vous pour explorer le musée.


Visites libres, guidées, expériences adaptées aux groupes scolaires ou aux personnes en situation de handicap : cette page vous présente toutes les façons de profiter pleinement de votre découverte d’aeroscopia.

Nos visites individuelles


The aeroscopia museum offers school visits from kindergarten to high school, guided by mediators and specially designed in partnership with the Toulouse Academy.

These educational visits aim to make young people aware of history, science and technology.

Educational passports accompanied by their activity sheets are available for download. These documents will allow you to prepare your students for the discovery of the museum with: activity sheets and educational tracks that can be used in class before or after your guided visit.

  • Contact for more information on prices and reservations: visits only by reservation by email at:

  • Pedagogical contact: a teacher in charge of mission is at your disposal to help you prepare the visit of the museum, present every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon (by appointment):   sebastien.valenza@




The aeroscopia museum has been labeled Tourism & Handicap for the 4 types of impairment: cognitive/psychological, auditory, motor and visual since April 18, 2016.


The museum has involved people with disabilities in the cultural mediation project to better adapt the services offered.
Access is priority and without waiting at the museum's access tripods for people with disabilities and their companions.

Guide-lecturers, reception and security agents are trained to welcome, inform visitors and provide them with more comfort when moving around the museum spaces.

Inside the museum, an SSIAP agent is specially responsible for welcoming people with disabilities.


The restaurant is accessible to all. We offer you a map in large characters . A personalized welcome is reserved for you. A dedicated space is offered to the visually impaired.

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We offer several visit themes:

  • The collection: this entry allows the visitor to freely access the presentations of each aircraft and to learn more about certain historical or technical aspects. Each presentation sheet offers "Find out more" that can be consulted at any time.

  • Guided Tour: two geolocated routes offer a visit adapted to the profile of visitors.

  • “In the uniform of…“: an augmented reality surprise for fun!

  • Practical Aeroscopia: to find all the practical information for getting to the museum and organizing your day there.

The courses are offered in French, English, Spanish, German and LSF.

You can hire a video guide on site for €3 in addition to your entrance ticket (depending on availability of equipment)

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